ACTEX: a Benefit Corporation

Benefit Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social performance, transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. Benefit Corporations seek to redefine success in business, build stronger communities and a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable economy through the creation of high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose. Benefit Corporations use profits and growth as a means to a greater end: positive impact for their stakeholders.

Reaching Our GOALS

As a Benefit Corporation, our biggest challenge (and reward), is simultaneously expanding our offerings and pricing our products in the most affordable manner possible, assuring broad and expanded access. Our Study Manual Programs are the lowest priced, complete study manual programs in the industry. Across all titles, we offer electronic pricing incentives, encouraging the purchase of environmentally friendly, lower priced electronic versions for students, professors and corporate customers. We are also committed to expanding our library of free content to help students with exam preparation, study techniques and career advancement.

Community Leadership

We believe in the power of community. Over the decades, we’ve assembled a diverse collective of professors and professional subject matter experts and empowered them to create the best educational materials. We invest in and grow our community by “giving back” through financial and staff commitments to programs such as the international Actuarial Faculty Development Program (jointly with United Nations & Milliman), annual donations to actuarial education foundations, and free/discounted student content and workshops.

Our community members actively contribute and collaborate in support of our shared vision. Some members contribute individually, some work in small teams, but each works collectively for the whole. The members of our educational community include YOU!

  • Students & Professionals – giving back through communication of ideas with our authors and instructors and the broader community
  • Professors & Instructors – pedagogy thought-leaders, supporters of expanded access
  • Authors & Professional Subject-Matter Experts – recognized leaders in their field, aspirants for ever-better authorship and instruction
  • Our Team – employees dedicated to our company vision and mission
  • Professional Societies (SOA, CAS, IFoA, etc.) – visionaries for professional education
  • Planet Earth - Our stewardship of the environment

Looking Ahead

We are pleased with our accomplishments, but we are not satisfied. Looking ahead, we have set our Benefit Corporation goals even higher. We are implementing plans to expand upon our educational, societal and environmental efforts. We encourage everyone reading this page to join us – helping to expand knowledge, build community and care for our planet in the process!

Study Tools for All

We provide you with all the options you need to find the tools that work best for you.