Exam MAS-II Study Guide

Includes Study Manual, GOAL, Flashcards & More

Starting at $299

Our study guide is the most recommended actuarial prep program. Search the interactive CAS Exam MAS-II study manual for different topics and toggle easily between concepts. Note: A printed version is available for purchase with your digital manual.

Exam MAS-II GOAL - Practice. Predict. Pass.

Wondering how to study for Exam MAS-II? Practice efficiently with our robust database of questions and solutions and be prepared for the modern actuarial statistics-II exam. Predict your success through GOAL's innovative scoring system. Pass the exam with confidence.

Formula Sheets

Exam MAS-II Formula Sheet

This at-a-glance tool helps you memorize and recall key formulas and information. It covers important formulas needed to prepare your exam. Also, it's an easy-to-print format you can study with, no matter where you are.

Exam MAS-II Flashcards

Master key topics and formulas with our flashcards, which allow you to filter by topic. To help you direct your focus, each card is rated to indicate its importance on the exam.

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See what textbooks we have to offer to supplement your needs.

About Exam MAS-II

This examination covers Introduction to Credibility, Linear Mixed Models, Bayesian Analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and Statistical Learning.

  • 4 hour exam
  • Offered 2x per year

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