Associate Textbooks

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Associate Textbooks

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Probability and Statistics with Applications: A Problem Solving Text

2nd Edition  |  Asimow & Maxwell

Suggested on Syllabus for Exam P | Includes Digital Solutions Manual

Probability and Statistics with Applications is an introductory textbook designed to make the subject accessible to college freshmen and sophomores concurrent with Calc II and III, with a prerequisite of just one semester of calculus.

Probability for Risk Management

3rd edition  |   Hassett et al

Suggested on Syllabus for Exam P | Includes Digital Solutions Manual

This textbook provides a first course in probability for students with a basic calculus background. It has been designed for students who are mostly interested in the applications of probability to risk management in vital modern areas such as insurance, finance, economics, and health sciences. The text has many features which are tailored for those students and has complete coverage of the SOA Exam P syllabus for those studying for this exam.

Mathematics of Investment & Credit

8th Edition  |  Broverman

Suggested on Syllabus for Exam FM and EA-1 | Includes Digital Solutions Manual

Mathematics of Investment and Credit is a leading textbook covering the topic of interest theory. This textbook provides a complete treatment of the theory of interest, and its application for a wide variety of financial instruments. It emphasizes a direct-calculation approach to reaching numerical results, and uses a gentle, thorough pedagogic style.

Financial Mathematics: Theory and Practice

2nd Edition  |  Brown and Kopp

Suggested on Syllabus for Exam FM | Includes Digital Solutions Manual

This textbook is an alternative approach to the teaching and learning of financial mathematics! You will gain an understanding of a variety of financial mathematics topics plus plenty of examples and exercises. It is our sincere hope that this textbook provides the student with an improved understanding of the fascinating calculations that underlie most financial transactions.

Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies with Pension Applications

4th Edition  |  Parmenter & Shirley

Suggested on Syllabus for Exam EA-1 | Includes Digital Solutions Manual

This text is listed in the Course of Reading for the EA-1 Examination on the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries. It has also been adopted as the required text for introductory actuarial science courses at a number of colleges and universities. Students will also find this text to be valuable supplementary reading in preparing for SOA Exam FM.

Introduction to Ratemaking and Loss Reserving for Property and Casualty Insurance

5th Edition  |   Brown & Lennox

Required on Syllabus for Exam FAM, FAP and ASTAM | Includes Digital Solutions Manual

This text provides a basic foundation of knowledge concerning two fundamental building blocks of property/casualty actuarial work: ratemaking and loss reserving. The material also represents the basic foundation of knowledge needed to gain an introductory appreciation of the building blocks of the property/casualty actuarial discipline.

Mathematics and Models for Financial Derivatives

1st Edition  |  Wilson

Includes Digital Solutions Manual

This textbook on financial derivatives is tailored to the specific needs and strengths of actuarial science, mathematics, and quantitative finance students. Presented in a friendly and efficient way, with examples illustrating the concepts throughout. A twin emphasis on application and on understanding the “why” of the mathematical aspects helps the reader to become fluent in the workings of payoff and pricing models and their uses.

Actuarial Statistics with R: Theory and Case Studies

Gan & Valdez

Includes Digital Solutions Manual

This book is written primarily for actuarial students and practitioners who wish to learn the basic fundamentals and applications of modern statistical methods using R programming. It provides data analytic tools utilizing supervised and unsupervised learning, as well as time series and simulation models.

R for Actuaries and Data Scientists with Applications to Insurance


Includes Digital Solutions Manual

There are books on R and books on modern statistical methods, but very few books on both, and fewer still that are accessible to the newcomer and focused on actuarial applications. R for Actuaries and Data Scientists is designed to fill this void.

Introduction to Credibility Theory

4th edition  |  Herzog

Includes Digital Solutions Manual

Credibility modeling is a proven approach for analyzing unique product designs. This text presents a wide variety of credibility models in an easy-to-read style, and in so doing, traces the historical development of the subject. The Bayesian approach to credibility is emphasized.

Finance, Investments & Derivatives

1st edition  |  Li

Although Exam IFM is no longer part of the ASA pathway, the foundational topics it covered—spanning finance, investments, and derivatives—remain essential for actuarial practice and applications beyond the profession in financial and risk management fields. This text serves as a comprehensive reference for students, professionals, and educators.

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