Actuary Exam Information

Society of Actuary Exams

For more detailed information about exams visit the SOA website. 

Exam P - Probability

Exam P is a:

Exam P is focused on mastering probability concepts used in assessing financial risk. Knowledge of calculus and basic knowledge of insurance and risk management is assumed. There are 3 topics on the exam: General probabilities, Univariate random variables, and Multivariate random variables.

Exam FM - Financial Mathematics

The Exam FM is a:

The FM Exam covers in depth topics pertaining to interest theory and financial economics. Actuary candidates are expected to understand the meaning of financial terms like simple interest, compound interest, interest period of time, future value of money, inflation and present value of money.

Exam FAM - Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics

The FAM exam is a:

The short-term section of the examination provides an introduction to modeling and covers important actuarial methods that are useful in modeling. It will also introduce candidates to the foundational principles of ratemaking and reserving for short-term coverages. A thorough knowledge of calculus, probability (as covered in Exam P), and mathematical statistics (as covered in VEE Mathematical Statistics) is assumed.

The long-term section of the examination develops the candidates knowledge of the theoretical basis of contingent payment models and the application of those models to insurance and other financial risks. A thorough knowledge of calculus, probability (as covered in Exam P), mathematical statistics (as covered in VEE Mathematical Statistics) and interest theory (as covered in Exam FM) is assumed.

ALTAM Exam - Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics

The ALTAM Exam is a:

The Exam ALTAM continues to develop the candidate's knowledge of the theoretical basis of contingent payment models and the application of those models to insurance and other financial risks. A thorough knowledge of calculus, probability (as covered in Exam P), mathematical statistics (as covered in VEE Mathematical Statistics) interest theory (as covered in Exam FM), and the fundamentals of long-term actuarial mathematics (as covered in FAM) is assumed.

ASTAM Exam - Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics

The ASTAM Exam is a:

The Exam ASTAM continues to develop the candidate’s knowledge of modeling and important actuarial methods that are useful in modeling, as well as ratemaking and reserving for short-term coverages. A thorough knowledge of calculus, probability (as covered in Exam P), mathematical statistics (as covered in VEE Mathematical Statistics), and the fundamentals of short-term actuarial mathematics (as covered in FAM) is assumed.

SRM Exam - Statistics for Risk Modeling

The SRM exam is a:

Exam SRM tests students' knowledge of methods and models for analyzing data including regression models, time series models, decision trees, and cluster analysis. Apply methods for selecting correct models for data analysis.

PA Exam - Predictive Analytics

The PA Exam is a:

Exam PA provides candidates with the ability to employ selected analytic techniques to solve business problems. A thorough knowledge of probability (as covered in Exam P), mathematical statistics (as covered in VEE Mathematical Statistics), selected models and methods for analyzing data (as covered in Exam SRM) is assumed. 

ATPA Exam - Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics Assessment

The PA Exam is a:

Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics has two components:

Casualty Actuarial Society

For more detailed information on the exams visit the CAS website.

MAS-I - Modern Actuarial Statistics-I

The MAS-I Exam is a:

This examination covers Probability Models (Stochastic Processes and Survival Models), Statistics, Extended Linear Models, and Time series with Constant Variance.

MAS-II - Modern Actuarial Statistics-II

The MAS-II Exam is a:

This examination covers Introduction to Credibility, Linear Mixed Models, Bayesian Analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and Statistical Learning.

Exam 5 - Basic Techniques for Ratemaking and Estimating Claim Liabilities

The Exam 5 is a:

This exam is a short answer style exam. The questions are broader and may require interpretation of calculations and concepts. The concepts covered on the exam are Ratemaking Process, Exposure Base, Premiums in Ratemaking, Loss Adjustment, Reinsurance, Underwriting Expense, Retention Ratios, Rating Differentials, Coinsurance Provision, Development Triangle, Estimating Unpaid Claims, Cape Cod Technique, Bornhuetter-Ferguson Technique, Estimate Recoveries.

Exam 6C - Regulation and Financial Reporting (Canada)

The Exam 6C is a:

This exam covers Regulation of Insurance and Canadian Insurance Law, Government and Industry Insurance Programs, Financial Reporting and Solvency, and Professional Responsibilities of the Actuary in Financial Reporting. 

Exam 6U - Regulation and Financial Reporting (US)

The Exam 6U is a:

This exam covers Regulation of Insurance and United States Insurance Law, Government and Industry Insurance Programs, Financial Reporting and Taxation, Professional Responsibilities of the Actuary in Financial Reporting, and Reinsurance Accounting Principles. 

VEE: Validation by Educational Experience

For more information about VEE visit or

There are three required VEE topics for the ASA pathway:

Important things to know about VEE:

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

For more detailed information on the exams visit the IFoA website.

Note that:

Exam CB1 - Business Finance

Business Finance (CB1) provides the theory and application of corporate finance as well as the main elements of companies’ financial statements. Candidates will gain knowledge of corporate governance, different types of company structure, management goals and maximising shareholder wealth, traditional and new methods of raising short and long-term finance, use of leverage, growth and profitability, and mergers and acquisitions. In financial statements analysis, regulation and regulatory bodies for financial reporting, the company’s balance sheet, income, and cash flow statements, and elements of management accounting are considered.

Exam CB2 - Business Economics

Business Economics (CB2) introduces the main principles of economics and their application in a business context. In microeconomics it covers the operation of single markets, market price and output determination, decisions made by consumers on allocating their budget and by producers on price and output, and different types of market structures and the implication of each for social welfare. In macroeconomics candidates will gain knowledge of the working of the economic system, governments’ macroeconomic objectives, unemployment, inflation, economic growth, international trade and financial systems and financial crises.

Exam CM1 - Actuarial Mathematics for Modelling

Actuarial Mathematics for Modelling (CM1) provides a grounding in the principles of actuarial modelling, focusing on deterministic models and their application to financial products. It equips the student with a knowledge of the basic principles of actuarial modelling, theories of interest rates and the mathematical techniques used to model and value cash flows which are either certain or are contingent on mortality, morbidity and/or survival. The subject includes theory and application of the ideas to real data sets using Microsoft Excel.

Exam CM2 - Economic Modelling

Economic Modelling (CM2) provides a grounding in the principles of actuarial modelling, focusing on stochastic asset-liability models and the valuation of financial derivatives. It equips the student with a knowledge of the theories of behaviour of financial markets, measures of risk, determining reserves for a non-life insurer and price options. The subject includes theory and application of the ideas to real data sets using Excel.

Exam CS1 - Actuarial Statistics

The aim of Actuarial Statistics (CS1) is to provide a grounding in mathematical and statistical methods that are of relevance for actuarial work. It equips the student with knowledge of statistical distributions, methods to summarise data, the principles of statistical inference, regression models (including generalised linear models) and the fundamental concepts of Bayesian statistics. The subject includes both theory and application of the ideas using R.

Subject CS2 builds directly on the material in this subject. The material in this subject is also applied to actuarial modelling in subjects CM1 and CM2.

Exam CS2 - Risk Modelling and Survival Analysis

Risk Modelling and Survival Analysis (CS2) develops knowledge of and the ability to apply statistical methods for risk modelling, time series analysis methods, stochastic processes (especially Markov chains and Markov jump processes), survival analysis (including regression methods applied to duration data), and graduation methods It also includes a high-level introduction to machine learning. The subject includes both theory and application of the ideas to real data sets using R.

CS2 builds directly on CS1. Material in this subject is applied to actuarial modelling in subjects CM1 and CM2.