Exam PA Bundled Study Materials
Includes Study Manual, Flashcards, Videos & Graded Mock Exam
*Students purchasing our study bundle and submitting the Graded Mock Exam are achieving a 90% exam pass rate.
The ACTEX Exam PA bundle offers a wide range of study materials to help you excel on the PA Exam. Start with a first-class manual for a strong conceptual foundation, supported by instructional videos that enhance understanding with visuals. Complete your preparation with a graded Mock Exam and a 1:1 Live Feedback session, designed to simulate the SOA exam experience and confirm your readiness. This highly recommended program is your ultimate actuarial prep resource.
Exam PA Study Guide
Includes Study Manual & Videos
Our study guide is the most recommended actuarial prep program. Search the interactive SOA Exam PA (Predictive Analytics) study manual for different topics and toggle easily between concepts. Note: A printed version is available for purchase with your digital manual.
Exam PA Graded Mock Exam
*Students purchasing our study bundle and submitting the Graded Mock Exam are achieving a 90% exam pass rate.
The ACTEX PA Graded Mock Exam is a great way to predict your exam outcome! Before you take the official PA exam - take the new ACTEX PA Graded Mock Exam and get feedback from PA expert, Ambrose Lo. The ACTEX PA Graded Mock Exam has all the typical elements your SOA exam will have. This can help you evaluate your progress. The questions and format are set up just like the SOA PA exam.
Exam PA Formula Sheet
This at-a-glance tool helps you memorize and recall key formulas and information. It covers important formulas needed to prepare your exam. Also, it's an easy-to-print format you can study with, no matter where you are.
Looking for Extra Preparation?
See what textbooks we have to offer to supplement your needs:
Actuarial Statistics with R: Theory and Case Studies
R for Actuaries and Data Scientists with Applications to Insurance
Exam PA provides candidates with the ability to employ selected analytic techniques to solve business problems. A thorough knowledge of probability (as covered in Exam P), mathematical statistics (as covered in VEE Mathematical Statistics), selected models and methods for analyzing data (as covered in Exam SRM) is assumed.