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Bundled Study Materials for SOA Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics (ATPA) Assessment

The video course and study manual sections are now available!
Begin your studies immediately upon purchase. Additional study manual modules will be gradually released.

The ACTEX ATPA Assessment study material bundle provides dual resources - a comprehensive study manual and an instructional video course - to assist you in preparing for the 96-hour Assessment. Successfully completing this challenging evaluation within the allocated time requires strategic preparation. The key to success lies in thorough preparation and organizing your materials smartly so you can minimize the workload during the limited 96-hour timeframe.

Study Guide For SOA Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics (ATPA) Assessment

  • Selected study manual sections are now available!
  • Additional modules of the study manual will be released in stages.

Building on the success of the ACTEX PA study manual, this brand new ATPA study manual provides a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of the materials of the ATPA Assessment, streamlined and augmented in a coherent and exam-oriented format. Start preparing for the 96 hour ATPA Assessment and be prepared as possible.

Video Course for SOA Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics (ATPA) Assessment

This video course is available now! Start studying from the moment you purchase!

The Advanced topics in Predictive Analytics video course is designed to help you more easily climb the steep ATPA learning curve. This module-focused video course for Topic 3 in the syllabus, includes videos, end of module assessments and lecture slides. This video course is a deep dive into the three modules. Access to an instructor during the duration of the course as well as participation in a discussion forum.

Looking for Extra Preparation?

See what textbooks we have to offer to supplement your needs.

About Exam ATPA

The ATPA Exam is a:

  • Take home assessment
  • Offered 3x per year

Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics has two components:

  • Modules
    • The ATPA e-Learning modules provide support designed to enhance candidates’ knowledge from the SRM and PA Exam learning objectives and readings and to clarify the SOA’s expectations regarding a successful ATPA Assessment submission.
    • Candidates receive access to the ATPA modules by registering for the ATPA Assessment. Candidates will have access to the modules until the end of the period in which the assessment is administered.
  • Assessment
    • The ATPA assessment presents candidates with a data set and a realistic business problem. Candidates prepare a report that presents and supports their solution. Candidates may use resources such as textbooks and the internet, similar to a work environment. The only required deliverable will be a Word document with your responses.
    • Candidates will have 96 hours to complete the assessment.
    • Grading of the assessment will be completed and results released on a preset schedule.

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