ISBN(s): 979-8-89016-431-5 | 979-8-89016-432-2 | 979-8-89016-433-9 | 979-8-89016-434-6
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Dual Purpose Design: Build knowledge during preparation and quickly search critical concepts during the open-book exam.
*(This Topic is not available for this sitting. The bundle price reflects this unavailable product.)
Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
Predictive Analytics and Statistics
I received access to the Capstone material and have been using it for three weeks. Overall, I find it very useful to have all the material in one place, especially since there are many textbooks referenced for the exam. The material is designed for individuals who have already learned the concepts, presenting them in a concise manner with examples. This is particularly helpful during the exam when we need to find information quickly. One significant improvement that could be made to the product is the inclusion of exam sample questions with Excel and R. This addition would provide practical experience and better prepare users for the exam.