ISBN(s): 979-8-89016-438-4 | 979-8-89016-439-1
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Master Exam CP3 with Confidence
This Guide is designed to help you prepare for the CP3 exam. It includes:
Remember, good communication is not just a nice-to-have skill, it is a necessity.
Blueprint & Review Sheet
This at-a-glance tool helps you memorize and recall key formulas and information.
About the Author
Anoushka Kothari, FIA, FIAI
"Not just numbers, but the logic behind numbers has always attracted me."
Anoushka has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and is a qualified Actuary from IAI and IFoA. She specializes in Life insurance and Investment Finance.
With 4 years of experience in the actuarial industry, Anoushka has worked as an Associate Consultant at EY India in the Business Consulting practice. She was involved in the implementation of Actuarial software (Prophet) for the largest Indian life Insurer to calculate the Indian Embedded Value for IPO process of the insurer.
During her time at Accenture, she worked for one of the largest UK life insurers in the Value Management and Research team, supporting them in regular monitoring of claims, distributor quality management and annual review of actuarial assumptions.
Anoushka currently works on Chubb Life Hong Kong LDTI valuation and experience analysis.
And finally, she is equipped with working on Prophet, VBA, R programming, SQL and Microsoft tools.