ISBN(s): 979-8-89016-062-1 | 979-8-89016-063-8
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About this Study Guide:
The study guide for the Life Financial Management Exam provides the student with comprehensive outlines for every item in the exam syllabus in syllabus order. A number of questions are provided to test the student's knowledge of the exam material along with solutions to each question in grading outline form. This format shows how a grader may assign points to a question in which more points are assigned to the most important points. One complete practice exam allows the student to experience the exam under simulated test conditions. Flashcards are also available for a quick review of significant definitions, formulas, and key concepts.
About the Author
John Aprill FSA, MAAA
John Aprill has extensive experience in life insurance financial reporting and risk management. He also served on the SOA Education and Examination Committee for many years. This combination has resulted in a practical approach to learning the syllabus material.