Life, Health and Annuity Reinsurance 4th Edition Author: Tiller & Tiller

ISBN(s): 978-1-62542-902-5 | 978-1-62542-476-1 | 978-1-63588-347-3

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On the SOA required reading list for SOA Individual Life & Annuities - Life Product Management Exam. 

Life, Health & Annuity Reinsurance addresses the many issues and considerations involved in reinsurance for life, health and annuity companies. Although written by actuaries, it may be read by anyone interested in the topic and does not require an actuarial background.

The fourth edition of the text is a significant update from the third edition, reflecting the many changes that have occurred in the past ten years, especially in the areas of risk transfer, regulation and taxation, and adds considerable Canadian reinsurance content.

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