ACTEX Mastering SP8: A Comprehensive Guide to Fundamental Concepts 1st Edition Author: Oswald

ISBN(s): 979-8-89016-440-7 | 979-8-89016-441-4

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A Clear and Concise Comprehensive Guide 

The comprehensive guide to SP8 – General Insurance Pricing Principles contains a structured summary of each chapter. The summary covers all relevant syllabus objectives spread across 16 chapters. For each chapter, the summary is structured in three divisions:

  • Definitions – Contains important definitions from the chapter including definitions relevant to the chapter from the “Glossary” of the core reading.
  • Concepts – Contains important concepts discussed in the core reading from the chapter.
  • Formulas – Contains important formulas from the chapter.

How Does This Help Students?

The comprehensive guide to SP8 helps students in the following ways:

  • Revise key concepts easily before exams
  • Memorize key points required for closed book exams
  • Covers all essential topics concisely reducing time to go through entire material while revising
  • Aids in understanding complex topics from core reading through clear explanations and simple examples
  • Helps in self-assessment of the student by serving as a knowledge check
  • Key concepts organized in a logical flow to remember them easily

Formula and Review Sheet

This at-a-glance tool helps you memorize and recall key formulas and information.

  • Covers important formulas needed to prepare you for the actuarial probability exam
  • Easy-to-print reference guide you can study with, no matter where you are

About the Author 

Nishant Oswal, Actuarial Analyst

Driven by an innate passion for numbers and love for Mathematics, I am currently an actuarial student pursuing my actuarial qualification from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. Along with pursuing the actuarial profession, I hold a degree in Financial Markets from Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics, providing me a strong foundation in finance.

As an Actuarial Analyst at Xceedance, I specialize in General Insurance with a specific focus on Mortgage Insurance. In addition to that, I also leverage my passion for the actuarial education in a part-time capacity at ACTEX Learning. Here, I actively contribute to the development and review of high-quality content for actuarial study materials.

During my college days, I have been actively engaged in extracurricular activities and community service, contributing to personal growth and making a positive impact. One significant involvement was my participation in the Rotaract movement, where I held several leadership positions to not only help me hone leadership skills but also serve the community. My previous internship at Acies Consulting in Credit Risk Modeling further honed my skills in analyzing complex financial data. My technical expertise includes Advanced Excel, VBA, R programming, and Python.

Beyond numbers, I am an avid reader, and have an innate passion for creating captivating designs, crafting websites, and producing creative digital content.

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