Actuarial Faculty Development Program Author: ACTEX Learning

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The AFDP is a pilot program developed by ACTEX to strengthen actuarial teaching staff in low-middle income countries with a program of live virtual classes and education resources. The AFDP will have four core components:

  1. Actuarial Science Bootcamp – Series of live, virtual lectures providing faculty with a well-rounded education on both theoretical actuarial principles as well as practical knowledge of the industry to increase their knowledge base. From July to the following December.
  2. Community of Practice (CoP) – Online platform to dialogue with peers in the international actuarial science faculty community to receive ongoing support and inspiration. From July until the end of program in the following June.
  3. Mentorship Program – Direct partnership with experienced actuarial science faculty who will provide guidance on how to develop a successful actuarial science program. From July until the end of program in the following June.
  4. Curriculum Resources – Direct material educators can incorporate into the university program from ACTEX’s resource catalog and Academic GOAL bundles which are online classroom tools that provide materials for both educators and students. From July until the end of program in the following June.

Instructor Profile

All instructors in the program are volunteers that share our values and mission. The fee paid is used to offset operational costs (including the development of program, learning portal and royalties of study materials) involved in administering the program.​

The instructors will be

  • Volunteering working actuarial practitioners from Milliman GAIN​ and other corporations;
  • Professors with extensive actuarial science teaching experience​;
  • ACTEX eLearning specialists​.

Together all the instructors will teach the live classes, mentor participants and actively participate in the community of practice whilst leveraging on webinar materials by ACTEX.

Course Materials

All course materials will be conveniently hosted on Actuarial University, ACTEX's esteemed learning platform. A specialized dashboard will be tailored to support the AFDP resources. Leveraging the same platform as ACTEX's materials, including the Academic GOAL bundles, participants in the program will seamlessly integrate these resources into their courses at no additional cost to their students throughout the duration of the AFDP.

Program timeline (subject to change):

  • April to Mid May 2025 – Early bird enrollment of participants​
  • Mid May to June 2025 – Regular enrollment of participants​
  • July 2025 to December 2025 – Live teaching component 
  • June 2026 – Cohort graduation​

At the end of the program, the participants will receive a certificate recognizing their participation.

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